Invasive Species Council of BC
The Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC) is a provincial-scale, non-profit organization committed to reducing the spread and impacts of non-native species within BC. The ISCBC focuses on uniting efforts of the various partners working on invasive species management in BC, educating and informing British Columbians, coordinating and communicating research efforts, and offering training programs.
SSISC works collaboratively and cooperatively with the Invasive Species Council of BC, on various provincial scale prevention programs including Clean Drain Dry, Plantwise, Don’t Let it Loose and Play Clean Go. We also participate in regular Joint Strategic calls with ISCBC and provide input on provincial scale initiatives like the Invasive Species Strategy for BC.
Regional Invasive Species Organizations
SSISC is one of 13 independent Regional Invasive Species Organizations (RISOs) working to stop the spread of invasive species throughout BC. We work closely and collaboratively with the other RISOs, sharing knowledge and expertise regarding on-the-ground invasive species management, working together on consistent messaging for education & outreach programs, and collaborating on program ideas, professional development and funding applications. A full list of BC RISOs can be found if you scroll to the bottom of this page.
Local Government Partnership Program
BC Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group
The BC Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group (IMISWG) consists of representatives from provincial government ministries that have responsibility for invasive species management, including Ministries of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development; Agriculture; Environment; Transportation and Infrastructure; and Energy and Mines. The IMISWG:
- brings together provincial ministries and agencies, each with unique mandates, program goals and technical expertise;
- provides policy direction, coordination and collaborative delivery of provincial invasive species programs for the Province of BC;
- collaborates extensively with stakeholders including First Nations, the ISCBC, local and federal governments, regional invasive species organisations, and neighbouring jurisdictions in the US and Canada;
- oversees the development and enhancement of biological control of invasive plants for BC;
- develops information bases and decision support tools for invasive species management that incorporate both economic and environmental parameters;
- oversees the Early Detection and Rapid Response Plan for BC (see below); and efforts to prevent the arrival and establishment of high risk aquatic invasive species.
Community Partners
Other Partners
SSISC also works with: