Please report all invasive species sightings to help us track and manage infestations! Reports and observations from nature lovers like you are our first line of defence against invasive species.
If you are located in the Sea to Sky region, please submit your observations using one of the methods below:
If you are reporting a sighting from outside of BC, please check this page for links to invasive species organizations in your province.
For reports in the USA, you can register and report your sightings through EDDmaps.

Report sightings
If you prefer, you may also report sightings through iNaturalist, a free app (App Store, Google Play) that allows citizen scientists to contribute to biodiversity science by submitting their observations.
Join iNaturalists’s project I Spy and Identify, where every report you make helps scientists track, watch and protect Canada’s native species from unwanted impacts, including invasive species.
Report Invasives BC
You may also use Report Invasives BC, the BC government’s free reporting app.
Other Ways to Report Sightings
Alternatively, reports can always be sent to us via Facebook , Twitter, Instagram or by email at info@ssisc.ca.
Please refer to our invasive plants and animals profile pages for best management practices, as some invasive species may be toxic and/or harmful to humans & animals.