Priority Species


Not all invasive plants in the Sea to Sky region are equally abundant, aggressive, or have the same impact. We assess invasive plants against the established criteria outlined below and assign management priorities at the regional, and sub-regional scale.

This process is carried out annually in early spring, in collaboration with land managers and collaborative partners. If you would like to provide input on the species list, please send us a message.

You can visit our pages about invasive plants, animals and other taxa for more information on specific species impacting the Sea to Sky Region. Additionally, head to the Where We Work page to learn about sub-regional characteristics and priorities.

Priority Plant Species

You can learn more about SSISC’s priorities here. Our Priority Species List for plants is also available below.

Wondering what an ISMA is? Right this way!

List of Other Priority Species

SSISC does not currently have animals and other taxa priority lists; they are still in development. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop, or contact us if you have any questions.

SSISC Management Categories

SSISC Species Management Categories (PDF file)

Criteria for Prioritization

Given limited resources for invasive plant management, it is necessary to prioritize activities to achieve the most impact possible on a limited budget. Each invasive plant species has been prioritized for treatment in the Sea to Sky region, and each of the Invasive Species Management Areas (ISMAs), based on the following factors:

  • Risks from not managing the species
  • Phase of invasion (current and potential distribution in the Sea to Sky, and each ISMA)
  • Effectiveness of available treatment strategies
  • Effectiveness and availability of biocontrol agents
  • Priorities in neighbouring jurisdictions

The phase of invasion is determined by the current and potential distribution of the species in the Sea to Sky, or ISMA. Before a species arrives, the prevention phase includes activities such as publicly distributing the “Prevention Watchlist of Species of Concern”, preventing intentional plantings or nursery sales, cleaning vehicles, equipment and machinery of seeds and plant parts, and implementing other best management practices.

During the eradication phase, the species has a very limited distribution and Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) efforts are likely to eradicate the species. As a population expands during the containment phase, eradication is no longer likely and efforts are focused on containing and controlling the expanding population before it becomes naturalized.

If a population reaches the asset-based protection phase, plants are often too widespread or costly to control, and restoration activities are focused on small, high-priority sites.

Generalized Invasion Curve from Victoria State Government, Australia.
